

North Fork Oyster Co.

Mother Nature makes no mistakes. More than 2 billion years ago she created Long Island Sound, a unique & treasured environment for oyster aquaculture. The receding ice flow from the North left deep, nutrient-rich waters along the North Shore of Long Island, perfect for oyster growth. For centuries, delicious, high protein Long Island oysters were eagerly devoured in the New World, leaving oyster shells piled high along the Sound’s shores. And then there were none.

But now, the Oysters are back. Using modern aquaculture techniques, North Fork Oyster Company has reseeded these legendary beds. The results have been nothing short of amazing. The upwelling of nutrients from the deep waters (think Stellwagen Banks & the Humpback whales) pours over the young oysters. The remarkable growth rate has the experts astounded and oyster lovers clamoring for more.

FARMERS: Tom McCarney

FARM LOCATION: Long Island Sound


FLAVOR PROFILE: Exquisitely Sweet & Briny

WHERE TO FIND THE PRODUCT: Purchase directly from the farmers

WEBSITE: northforkoystercompanyinc.com